The Jackson Metropolitan Organization (MPO) announced in August they were accepting applications for the next round of Federal Surface Transportation Block Grant (STBG) funding available through the Jackson MPO. The STBG program is a federal-aid transportation program, which provides funding to local municipalities and counties for transportation improvement projects in urbanized areas. The MPO has made $20 million available for eligible projects in the categories of capacity deficiency, traffic operational improvements, bridge repair, and pavement management. In order to be considered for funding, applications had to be submitted to CMPDD by October 21, 2016.
CMPDD received a total of 39 applications requesting over $34 million in STBG grant funding. Applications are now being reviewed to determine eligibility and graded based upon the MPO’s project evaluation criteria. The MPO Policy Committee anticipates announcing funding awards for the projects ranked the highest in
February 2017.
Local jurisdictions with applications selected for funding can receive up to 80% in Federal STBG funding for construction costs of a selected project. Local jurisdictions are required to provide at a minimum 20% in local matching funds. The only exception to the 20% matching requirement is for traffic operational improvements which address safety concerns. Some traffic operational improvement projects may be eligible for 100% Federal STBG funding.
The MPO’s last call for applications took place in 2013 and resulted in twenty-six (26) projects in the metro area receiving $22.3 million in transportation funding. For more information about the Jackson MPO, please