MPO Announces a Call for Projects

Transportation Page 

The Jackson Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) is announcing a “Call for Projects” for consideration of funding for Federal Surface Transportation Program (STP) funds available to eligible applicants.

Funding is being made available to the Jackson MPO through the recent Transportation Bill, Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21 Century (MAP-21).  The Planning Policy Committee has established priority funding for the following categories:

Capacity Deficiency Project Types
Traffic Operational Improvements
Pavement Management Project Types
Small Municipalities
Total Available Funding

All proposals must be received by Central Mississippi Planning and Development District (CMPDD) through mail or hand-delivery by 4:30 P.M., Wednesday, October 16, 2013.  All applications received after the deadline will be rejected.

All proposals seeking funding will be evaluated and prioritized according to the adopted Project Submittal Guidelines.  Applications can be obtained by contacting MPO staff or visiting the MPO transportation page on our website.



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