MPO Federal Certification Review Process

Every four years the Federal Highway Administration and the Federal Transit Administration conduct a review of the metropolitan transportation planning process within each Transportation Management Area (TMA – an MPO with a population of more than 200,000) to certify that the MPO conducts the performance-based comprehensive, cooperative, and continuing transportation planning process in adherence with federal statutes and regulations.  The review focuses on compliance with Federal law and regulations, challenges, successes, and the cooperative relationship between the MPO, the State Department of Transportation, and the public transportation operators.  In general, the review consists of three primary activities:

  1. An advanced review of planning documents and other materials
  2. A site visit with staff members from the MPO, regional transit provider, and State Department of Transportation
  3. A public comment opportunity

Current Certification

The Jackson MPO completed its latest federal certification review in 2024.  The Federal Review Team identified nine (9) commendations for noteworthy practices and no corrective actions in the review process.  A joint letter from the Federal Highway Administration and the Federal Transit Administration was issued on July 29, 2024 stating the Jackson TMA substantially meets the federal requirements in 23 CFR 450 Subpart C and the certification will remain in effect until July 2028.

2024 Jackson TMA Federal Certification Letter

2024 Jackson TMA Federal Certification Report

Previous Certification

2020 Jackson TMA Federal Certification Letter

2020 Jackson TMA Federal Certification Report

For more information about the TMA certification review process please contact MPO Staff, by email at or by phone at (601)-981-1511.

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