CMPDD is drafting a new, five-year Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) for FY2018 – 2022, and input is being sought from community leaders. The District has emailed the CEDS survey to community leaders and elected officials across its seven counties and have requested that they take the time to complete and return it, as the responses will be compiled and used for the 2018 – 2022 CEDS that will be drafted later this year. Survey results are also used to assist CMPDD in developing its annual Work Program. In addition to the survey, the District will hold brainstorming sessions in each of its counties to identify potential economic development related projects, strengths and weaknesses of the CMPDD region, and goals for the next five years. Participants in these sessions will include elected officials from the County, Mayors, and economic development officials. These meetings will begin in August and notification of local leaders will begin late in July.
The CEDS, through input from member governments and local economic development officials, establishes CMPDD’s goals, objectives, and key economic development projects to be implemented over a five-year period. Each year, CMPDD reviews its performance in achieving its goals and objectives, and updates the CEDS as necessary based on the changing the needs of its participating governments.