
Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Architecture by 08-27-2024

The Central Mississippi Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Architecture provides a long-range plan for the deployment, integration, and operation of ITS in the Central Mississippi Region. The ITS Architecture covers portions of Hinds, Madison, and Rankin Counties. These boundaries correspond with the boundaries of the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) that is operated by CMPDD.

The plan is required by the Federal Highway Administration and Federal Transit Administration to use federal transportation funds on ITS projects. Development of the plan also provides the Region with a framework for implementing ITS projects, encourages interoperability and resource sharing among agencies, identifies applicable standards to apply to projects, and allows for cohesive long-range planning among regional stakeholders in the Central Mississippi Region. Through the development of the ITS Architecture, a stakeholder kick-off workshop and a stakeholder overview workshop were held to identify needs from stakeholders within the region. The links below provide access to the presentations given at each workshop.

Stakeholder Kick-Off Workshop Presentation

Stakeholder Overview Workshop Presentation

Regional ITS architectures are living documents and need to be continuously updated for them to accurately reflect the ITS needs, plans, and vision within a region. In the Central Mississippi Region, the first Regional ITS Architecture was developed in 2008. Since that time, several new ITS projects have been implemented and the National ITS Architecture, which served as the basis for the Central Mississippi ITS Architecture, has been updated. To reflect these changes, the Central Mississippi Planning and Development District completed this update to the Regional ITS Architecture in 2024. The Central Mississippi ITS Architecture Plan can be accessed in the link below.

Central Mississippi Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Architecture Plan Update - Adobe Acrobat Pro

Central Mississippi Regional ITS Architecture Plan

Central Mississippi Interactive ITS Architecture

The Regional Architecture Development for Intelligent Transportation (RAD-IT) is a software that was developed by the USDOT to be used as a tool for documenting and maintaining ITS Architectures. The Interactive Architecture provides an interface to the Central Mississippi ITS Architecture RAD-IT database, which provides an interactive method to search the Regional ITS Architecture. To access the Interactive Architecture, use the link below.

Click here to view the interactive ITS Architecture for Central Mississippi

Maintenance of Regional ITS Architecture

The Central Mississippi ITS Architecture is considered a living document, it may need to be modified periodically to accurately reflect how ITS is being deployed and operated in the Region. To facilitate the documentation of these changes, an Architecture Maintenance Documentation Form has been provided. Any changes to the Regional ITS Architecture should be documented in using form, which can be accessed through the link below.

Architecture Maintenance Documentation Form

National ITS Architecture

To learn more about National ITS Architecture, please visit the National ITS Architecture website.

National ITS Architecture Website

For more information about the Central Mississippi ITS Architecture Plan please contact MPO Staff, by email at or by phone at (601)-981-1511.

MPO Federal Certification Review Process by 08-21-2024

Every four years the Federal Highway Administration and the Federal Transit Administration conduct a review of the metropolitan transportation planning process within each Transportation Management Area (TMA – an MPO with a population of more than 200,000) to certify that the MPO conducts the performance-based comprehensive, cooperative, and continuing transportation planning process in adherence with federal statutes and regulations.  The review focuses on compliance with Federal law and regulations, challenges, successes, and the cooperative relationship between the MPO, the State Department of Transportation, and the public transportation operators.  In general, the review consists of three primary activities:

  1. An advanced review of planning documents and other materials
  2. A site visit with staff members from the MPO, regional transit provider, and State Department of Transportation
  3. A public comment opportunity

Current Certification

The Jackson MPO completed its latest federal certification review in 2024.  The Federal Review Team identified nine (9) commendations for noteworthy practices and no corrective actions in the review process.  A joint letter from the Federal Highway Administration and the Federal Transit Administration was issued on July 29, 2024 stating the Jackson TMA substantially meets the federal requirements in 23 CFR 450 Subpart C and the certification will remain in effect until July 2028.

2024 Jackson TMA Federal Certification Letter

2024 Jackson TMA Federal Certification Report

Previous Certification

2020 Jackson TMA Federal Certification Letter

2020 Jackson TMA Federal Certification Report

For more information about the TMA certification review process please contact MPO Staff, by email at or by phone at (601)-981-1511.

Drive Away Hunger for Seniors Golf Tournament by 08-15-2024

Drive Away Hunger for Seniors Golf Tournament

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Presented by:

Team registration will cover a 4-person team

This will cover one golfer who will be paired with other players

Top tier placement of logo on all event advertising and promotion
Signage at the tournament
Social media promotion on all platforms and flyer
One (1) golf hole sign
Team (4 players) tournament entry

Second tier placement of logo on all event advertising and promotion
Signage at the tournament
Social media promotion on all platforms and flyer
One (1) golf hole sign
Team (4 players) tournament entry

Signage with logo displayed in the food area
Social media promotion on all platforms and flyer

Name on the Beverage Carts
Social media promotion on all platforms and flyer

A sign will be located on the course with your company logo

CMPDD Contracts with Broadband Expansion and Accessibility of Mississippi (BEAM) by 05-16-2024

CMPDD has contracted with Broadband Expansion and Accessibility of Mississippi (BEAM) to work toward the best possible level of internet service for all seven counties in our district. CMPDD’s role will be to assist local governments and counties in identifying and testing internet speeds in areas that have service but may be lacking the latest technology resulting in slow or inadequate service. Click here to read more.

Broadband Expansion and Accessibility of Mississippi (BEAM) by 05-16-2024

CMPDD is proud to be a partner with BEAM in the effort to bring the best possible internet service in terms of speed and reliability to our residents. By participating in the Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) program, CMPDD will be helping local governments test and validate the quality of existing internet service throughout our district. If we find a residential address that is underserved according to the BEAD speed test tool, we can help file a formal challenge on behalf of the local government and the residential address.

The process is very simple:

  1. Visit the following website - - and take the speed test. The results will indicate if you are Served or Underserved. A total of three tests on three different days that result in Underserved will be required for a challenge to be accepted.
  2. If a resident is Underserved, they can agree to be contacted by us for assistance with completing the tests and filing a formal challenge.

The process for residents is straightforward and easy but they must work with a local government or CMPDD to file a form challenge to their service. If you would like to know more about the BEAM initiative visit the BEAM website at:

If you are interested in seeing a statewide map of broadband service availability, check out the map on the BEAD website at:

1020 Centre Pointe Blvd Pearl, MS 39208 Title VI Site Map Webmail Contact