Small Business Loans

CMPDD fosters economic development through a variety of business financing programs. These programs are designed to help businesses grow and create jobs. They are intended to work with, not replace, existing commercial financing and usually are combined with commercial sources to finance a complete project.

CMPDD works directly with the business client to package a financing plan that meets the needs and credit criteria of the business. CMPDD can draw from one or more of the following financing programs:

Loan Programs Targeted Businesses Maximum Loan Amount Terms Interest Rate Use Portion of Project Financed
US Small Business Adm. 504 Small business $5,000,000 – $5,500,000 10 or 20 Years fixed Fixed Assets 30% – 40%
Econ. Dev. Adm. Revolving Loan Small business $200,000 Up to 15 years fixed Fixed Assets, Inventory, Working Capital 33%
MS Minority
Business Enterprise
Minority owned (including women) $250,000 Up to 15 years fixed Fixed Assets, Inventory, Working Capital 50%
MS Minority
Business Enterprise
– Micro
Minority owned (including women) $35,000 Up to 5 years
Fixed Assets, Inventory, Working Capital 100%
MS Small Business Assistance Small business $250,000 Up to 15 years fixed Fixed Assets, Inventory, Working Capital 50%
Rural Business Enterprise Loan Program (RBEG) Rural Business Enterprise $499,000 Up to 15 years fixed Fixed Assets, Inventory, Working Capital 100%
Loan Guarantee Programs Targeted Businesses Maximum Loan Amount Terms Interest Rate Use Portion of Project Financed
SBA Export Working Capital Small Exporting $833,333 1 year Market Rate Pre and post export Working Capital Up to 90% Guarantee

NOTE: Interest Rates are subject to change without notice.

Each program has specific eligibility criteria and conditions. The consolidated loan application is intended to gather the information needed to assess the credit needs of a business. CMPDD will use this information to help the business access the most appropriate financing program(s).

To Download a Consolidated Loan Application Form, click here(you can save the form to your computer, use Adobe Acrobat to fill in the application and print a copy)

For additional information, please contact Dwayne Perkins at (601) 981-1511.

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