Surface Transportation Block Grant (STBG) Program

The Surface Transportation Block Grant (STBG) Program is a federal-aid transportation program, administered by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) which provides funding used by States and localities for transportation improvement projects. A formula is used by FHWA to apportion STBG funds to each State.  The funds are then sub-allocated to each Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) from its respective state Department of Transportation using a population-based formula. Once these funds have been sub-allocated to MPO’s they are committed through the MPO to Local Public Agency’s (LPA’s) for eligible transportation improvement projects through a project selection process approved by the MPO’s Metropolitan Planning Policy Committee.

When MPO grant funds are available, the Jackson MPO issues a Call for Projects. The Call for Projects outlines the amount of STBG funds available and the deadline for project application submission as established by the Metropolitan Planning Policy Committee. Project applications submitted in accordance with the Call for Projects are evaluated and ranked by MPO staff according to the guidance established in the Project Submittal Guidelines. Once ranked, projects are submitted to the Metropolitan Planning Policy Committee for consideration and approval until all available STBG funds have been committed. For more information about the STBG Project Submittal Guidelines please contact Jackson MPO Staff, by email at or by phone at (601)-981-1511.

PDF Version

Call for Surface Transportation Projects
Call for Projects January 2024 Announcement
Bridge Repair Project Application
Congestion Mitigation Project Application
Pavement Management Project Application
Safety Improvement Project Application
CMPDD MPO Safety Benefit to Cost Analysis

Sample Matching Funds Resolution
Bridge Replacement Index Ratings 2023
Congestion Management Process Index Ratings
2021-2023 Pavement Management System Index Ratings
Increased Federal Share Guidance related to Eligible Safety Projects
Functionally Classified Roadways

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