
The transportation staff at the CMPDD works with communities and agencies to oversee and assist with transportation planning efforts throughout the region.  The CMPDD is also designated as the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for the Metro-Jackson Area.  As the MPO, the CMPDD is responsible for coordinating the federally mandated Transportation Planning Process, which coordinates federal highway and transit investments for Hinds, Madison, and Rankin Counties.  The MPO process is guided by the Intermodal Technical Committee and formally adopted by the MPO Board.

The Intermodal Technical Committee is comprised of public works officials, engineers, and planners who study transportation issues and makes recommendations to the MPO Board.  The MPO Board is comprised of local elected officials and other members of the business and minority community in the metropolitan area.  They make decisions based on the Long-Range Transportation Plan and determine the allocation and distribution of federal transportation improvement funds.

This dual process ensures that all technical aspects, as well as political considerations are carefully reviewed to ensure that the local citizens’ best interests are represented.

Transportation staff for the MPO assists in the development of The Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP), which is a forecasted 25-year plan of projected transportation needs, as well as the Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP), which addresses transportation project for the next four years.

For additional information, please contact Mike Monk or Scott Burge at (601) 981 – 1511

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Click here to watch a video on the 2035 Long Range Transportation Plan

Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)
Interactive Viewer

Transportation Documents:

2015 – 2019 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)

2015 – 2019 Transportation Improvement Program Amendment

2035 Jackson Urbanized Transportation Plan Amendments

2035 Jackson Urbanized Transportation Plan

Public Participation Plan

Jackson Urbanized Area Map

Jackson Urbanized Area Functional Classification Map

2035 Traffic Analysis Zones and Forecasts

FY 2014 Annual Listing of Obligated Projects in the Jackson Urbanized Area


Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) Call for Projects November 2013

Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) Project Submittal Guidelines
Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) Application Information
Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) Project Application PDF Document
Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) Project Application Word Document
Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) Sample Resolution

Project Submittal Guidelines

Capacity Deficiency Project Application Information
Capacity Deficiency Project Application PDF Document
Capacity Deficiency Project Application Word Document

Traffic Operational Improvements Application Information
Traffic Operational Improvements Application PDF Document
Traffic Operational Improvements Application Word Document

Pavement Management Application Information
Pavement Management Application PDF Document
Pavement Management Application Word Document

Sample Resolution

Congestion management system index ratings
Pavement management system index ratings

Transportation Documents in RTF Format:

2015 – 2019 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)

2015 – 2019 Transportation Improvement Program Amendment

2035 Jackson Urbanized Transportation Plan Amendments

2035 Jackson Urbanized Transportation Plan

Public Participation Plan

FY 2014 Obligated Projects in the Jackson Urbanized Area


Project Submittal Guidelines

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