Welcome to the CMPDD Area Agency on Aging, which serves the 60 years and older populations in Copiah, Hinds, Madison, Rankin, Simpson, Warren and Yazoo counties.
Each individual is screened for services by a qualified assessor utilizing the State’s Consumer information form. Clients receive a score which indicates need for certain critical services. All services are classified as either Level I (0-21) or Level II (22 and above). All services require that the individual be 60 years and older or disabled.
Adult Day Care – A place for aged and disabled individuals with serious health problems or impairments to go during the day for recreational activities, personal care supervision, meals, limited health care, and the opportunity to interact socially with other people in group or individual activities. The purpose of day care is to: (1) provide care, supervision, and services to individuals who are capable of only limited self-care; (2) meet health maintenance, prevention/intervention, and rehabilitation needs; and (3) promote a maximum level of independent functioning.
Case Management – This service provides the comprehensive assessment by which an individual’s needs for services are determined, arranges for those services in an organized and coordinated manner. It provides a systematic process of service planning, monitoring, and follow-up for individuals who meet the requirements for the Home and Community Based Program.
Community Transition Services (CTS) – A trained Community Navigator provides information, education, and referral to Medicaid beneficiaries interested in transitioning out of institutional care into the community. This program is built around the core principles of consumer choice and empowerment to assist individuals in facilities to identify potential living options. Community Transition Services serves qualified residents of nursing homes and intermediate care facilities for persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Also CTS is for older adults (65+) and persons with physical, developmental, and intellectual disabilities.
Elder Abuse Prevention – Under the Vulnerable Adults Act, this service offers public information and education to help inform the general public of the signs of adult maltreatment and to develop prevention awareness. As part of this service, reports of abuse, neglect, or exploitation of adults are reported to the Mississippi Department of Human Services/Division of Aging and Adult Services, the legally designated state agency under Mississippi’s Vulnerable Adults Act. All interested persons can call CMPDD to request speakers for presentations to large or small groups.
Emergency Response System – A personal response system installed in the residence of a frail elderly individual to alert the need for help in an emergency situation. Devices are installed in the home which will allow monitoring of that individual 24 hours/day. Individuals who wish to pay for this service do not have to meet eligibility. Must live alone to qualify.
Emergency Services – This service provides short-term or extended assistance to needy individuals. Emergency services can include medical supplies, food, clothing, or any other identified items.
Homemaker Services – This service offers assistance to functionally impaired older persons with housekeeping, laundry, meal planning, marketing, food preparation, and other types of home management tasks. Trained homemakers assist individuals 60 years and older who have either functional, physical, or mental characteristics which prevents them from completing chores for themselves and who do not have an informal support network capable of assisting them with those needs.
Information, Assistance and Referral Program – The purpose of information, assistance, and referral is to link and inform older individuals and their caregivers of the available opportunities, services, resources, and programs in the community. Also, the program assists older individuals and their caregivers in identifying their needs, types of assistance, as well as, provides solutions to service problems.
Legal Services – This service assists older individuals with legal problems, excluding criminal matters. Cases may involve Social Security, SSI, veterans assistance, guardianship, wills, Medicare/Medicaid, landlord/tenant issues, or other similar legal matters.
Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program – Trained workers, certified as ombudsmen, visit regularly all licensed nursing homes and personal care homes to investigate, verify, and work to resolve complaints by or on behalf of residents of long-term care facilities about care, services, financial assistance, rights, and other concerns affecting their dignity and well-being.
Nutrition Programs – The Older Adult Nutrition Program provides nutritionally balanced meals to older individuals in a variety of settings including congregate facilities such as senior centers; or by home-delivery to older individuals who are homebound due to illness, disability, or geographic isolation. Services are targeted to those in greatest social and economic need with particular attention to low income individuals, minority individuals, those in rural communities, those with limited English proficiency and those at risk of institutional care. Nutrition Services Programs help older individuals to remain independent and in their communities.
Congregate Meals – These are hot or other appropriate meals served in a congregate setting, usually at senior centers or other locations as designated. The purpose of this service is to provide individuals with five (5) nutritious meals per week at centers where they can also obtain social, rehabilitative, and supportive services. Each meal meets a minimum of thirty-three and one-third of the daily Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs) as established by the appropriate governmental entity. The individual must be 60 years and older or the spouse of an eligible individual. Disabled individuals, regardless of age, can participate in this service if they reside in a housing facility occupied primarily by older persons if the site is designated for congregate meals.
Home Delivered Meals – These are available to individuals who are age 60 or over and homebound. The spouse of an eligible individual may also receive services. Services may be available to individuals who are under age 60 with disabilities if they reside with the homebound older individual. Meals are also available to disabled individuals regardless of age if they live with an eligible homebound individual.
Pay As You Go Program – Nutritionally balanced meals that are available to individual’s age 60 years of age and over or individuals under the age of 60 years old and disabled. These frozen meals are purchased monthly for $110.00 (five packs) and $145.00 (seven packs) through the Area Agency on Aging.
Mississippi Access to Care (MAC) – The Mississippi Access to Care (MAC) Program will empower individuals to navigate through the complexities of administrative and community resource barriers and locate the appropriate services and supports through a No Wrong Door System. This program will enable individuals and their families to make informed decisions relative to long-term care options and secure needed services or benefits by locating resources available in their communities. To search for resources in your area, click https://www.mississippiaccesstocare.org.
Outreach – A trained worker visits the homes of older adults to make an assessment of the services needed by the individual. They also handle referrals from the general public regarding individuals who need assistance but need help to navigate the many community resources.
Respite Services – This service provides temporary relief time to a primary caregiver of an ill, frail, infirm, functionally impaired older individual or an individual suffering from dementia. Trained respite workers substitute for a caregiver to allow the caregiver the needed personal time away for home and their caregiving role. This service targets caregivers.
State Health Insurance Program (SHIP) – This service is a counseling program designed to provide answers to questions regarding Medicare, Medicaid, medigap insurance, and any other public benefits. SHIP counselors are available for group speaking, one-on-one advice and counseling, and participation as exhibitors in public programs.
Senior Community Service Employment Program – Eligible workers are placed in community service jobs and paid minimum wages while receiving training for unsubsidized jobs. Individuals 55 years and older may apply if their income not exceed 125 percent of the poverty level as established by the U. S. Office of Management and Budget. LOW INCOME
Resume Builder Resources:
Transportation – Trained drivers transport older adults to various community resources for the purpose of obtaining needed services or goods. Trips may include doctors’ offices, drugstores, senior centers, or other similar locations.
For a copy of the Aging Services brochure, CLICK HERE.
For additional information, please contact Chelsea Crittle, Ph.D. at (601) 981-1516.
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