The CMPDD in consultation with its member governments, began preparing a comprehensive Safety Action Plan (SAP) for CMPDD’s seven-county region in September 2023. The purpose of the SAP is to develop a well-defined strategy to reduce roadway fatalities and serious injuries throughout CMPDD’s region.
The SAP analyzes crash data between 2018 and 2022 to identify safety needs. The SAP identifies high risk crash locations, factors contributing to crashes, and prioritizes strategies and projects to address identified safety concerns.
CMPDD was awarded funding to prepare the SAP through the Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) program. The program was funded by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) to fund improvements and strategies to prevent fatalities and serious injuries for all roadway users. The program aims to support the U.S. Department of Transportation’s goal of zero roadway deaths through the implementation of the Safe System Approach to roadway safety.
CMPDD’s Safety Action Plan was adopted by CMPDD’s Board of Directors on May 8, 2024. The SAP Final Report is available below or by contacting CMPDD. For more information regarding the CMPDD Safety Action Plan, please contact CMPDD by email at mpo@cmpdd.org or by phone at (601) 981-1511.
CMPDD Safety Action Plan
Adoption Resolution
CMPDD Safety Commitment Resolution
Annual Performance Report
Coming Soon