Intermodal Technical Committee

The Intermodal Technical Committee is comprised of public works officials, engineers, planners and other representatives whose skills and training are more technical in nature and necessary to undertake comprehensive transportation planning activities for the JUA. Representatives from each of the county and municipal jurisdictions located in the Jackson MPO planning area boundary are included on this committee, as well as representatives of all transportation modes in the area, including streets/highways, public transportation, bicycling/walking, air transportation, railroad, and the trucking industry. The Technical Committee is responsible for reviewing and making recommendations to the Metropolitan Planning Policy Committee regarding several major products of the transportation planning process, these include the Prospectus, the Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP), the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), the Public Participation Plan (PPP),  and the Surface Transportation Block Grant (STBG) and Transportation Alternatives (TA) Project Submittal Guidelines and application process. In addition, the Technical Committee acts upon any other matters relating to the transportation planning process that the Committee deems necessary. This Committee hears comments from citizens and others at public hearings as it relates to the transportation planning process and considers these comments prior to forwarding recommendations to the Metropolitan Planning Policy Committee for approval.

For more information about the Intermodal Technical Committee please contact Jackson MPO Staff, by email at or by phone at (601)-981-1511.

Meeting Frequency:

Meeting Location:
Central Mississippi Planning and Development District (CMPDD)
1020 Centre Pointe Blvd.
Pearl, MS 39208

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