Bridge Performance Management

Bridge Condition Performance Management regulations require State Departments of Transportation (DOTs) and Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) to establish Bridge Condition targets for two performance measures.

Infrastructure Condition Bridge Condition
  • % of National Highway System (NHS) bridges classified in Good condition
  • % of NHS bridges classified in Poor condition
When do MPOs establish Bridge Condition targets?

States must establish two- and four-year bridge condition performance targets for all National Highway System (NHS) bridges every four years. Once the state informs the MPO it has set its performance targets, MPOs have 180 days to either set their own quantifiable four-year targets for the metropolitan planning area or support the state’s established four-year targets. If needed, States and MPOS are allowed to adjust four-year targets at the target period’s midpoint.

How are Bridge Condition targets reported?

States report their Bridge Condition targets to the Federal Highway Administration in their Performance Reports.  The Jackson MPO reports its Bridge Condition targets every four years to the MS Department of Transportation (MDOT), and evaluates its progress toward achieving established targets every five years in the Metropolitan Transportation Plan.

Bridge Condition target calculations

Regulations require bridge conditions to be assessed based on the lowest assessment value of the deck, superstructure, substructure, or culvert.    The table below shows the thresholds for determining whether bridge conditions are in good, fair, or poor condition. As a minimum condition level, regulations establish a threshold of no more than 10% of NHS bridges measured by deck area being classified as structurally deficient.  The National Bridge Inventory (NBI) dataset is used to calculate good/poor bridge conditions, and states must submit NBI data annually by March 15th.

Measure Good Fair Poor
Deck ≥7 5 or 6 ≤4
Superstructure ≥7 5 or 6 ≤4
Substructure ≥7 5 or 6 ≤4
Culvert ≥7 5 or 6 ≤4

The percentage of total NHS bridge deck area for each classification (good, fair, and poor) would be calculated as the ratio of the total deck area of NHS bridges in a classification to the total deck area of NHS bridges in the state or MPO area as applicable:

% of NHS bridges in Good Condition = 100.0 * Total deck area of NHS bridges in Good Condition
Total deck area of NHS bridges in a state
% of NHS bridges in Poor Condition = 100.0 * Total deck area of NHS bridges in Poor Condition
Total deck area of NHS bridges in a state
Baseline Performance
Performance Measure 2021 Mississippi Baseline 2021 Jackson MPO Baseline
% of NHS bridges by deck area in Good condition 55.8% 50.4%
% of NHS bridges by deck area in Poor condition 2.8% 1.1%
2022 – 2025 Bridge Condition Targets
Performance Measure 2022-2025 Targets
% of NHS bridges by deck area in Good condition >=45%
% of NHS bridges by deck area in Poor condition <=5%

Resolution to Support the 2022-2025 Bridge Condition Targets

Jackson MPO Bridge Condition Analysis

National Highway System (NHS)

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