The Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program is designed to aid in the development of viable communities that provide their residents with decent housing, suitable living environments, and economic opportunities. The three national objectives of the program are: (1) to benefit low and moderate income persons, (2) to aid in the prevention of slums and blight, and (3) to eliminate conditions that pose a serious and immediate threat to the health and welfare of a community.
The CDBG Public Facilities Program
The program is composed of the Regular and Small Municipalities Public Facilities.
The Regular and Small Municipalities Program
The program provides grant funds to eligible local governments for activities such as water, wastewater, solid waste, flood control, bridges/roads, solid waste improvements, certain public buildings, etc. Maximum grants of $600,000 are available to city and county governments under the Regular program. Cities with 3,500 or less persons can receive a maximum grant of $450,000 with no match required. To qualify, a project must meet one of the three (3) national objectives outlined above and must demonstrate that the project will correct a potentially serious health and safety threat to the community.
For additional information, please contact Candace Darby at (601) 981-1511.
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