Beginning in 2003, the CMPDD implemented the Metropolitan Area Traffic Count Program. Traffic counters are deployed by the CMPDD staff on selected arterial and collector streets and roads in Hinds, Madison and Rankin counties. The CMPDD coordinates these traffic counts with counts performed by the MDOT on State-maintained highways and other arterial and collector streets and roads to avoid duplication of effort. Counts are performed on a three (3) year cyclical basis, for each of the three (3) counties located in the Jackson Urbanized Area (JUA). Thus traffic count data for each county is no more than three (3) years old. To view updated traffic count data please click here.
Further, the CMPDD conducts traffic counts in other areas of the region as requested by local governments.
The traffic counts collected by the District are used in several transportation planning activities, including the Jackson Urbanized Area Transportation Plan, Congestion Management Process, and Pavement Management System.
For additional information, please contact Scott Burge at (601) 981-1511.
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