Category Archives: News

Site Visits for CMPDD’s 2014 CDBG Public Facilities Applications

The CDBG Public Facility Program provides grant funds to local units of government for a variety of public improvement projects (e.g., water or sewer facilities, storm drainage, public buildings, street reconstruction, etc.) that benefit low and moderate income families and areas.… Read more.

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CMPDD Holds Public Hearing on Aging Issues

aging-hearing-1More than 130 individuals gathered at the Mississippi Sports Hall of Fame recently to hear information about the Fiscal Year 2015 Area Plan on Aging as prepared by staff at CMPDD. This Plan is a document which outlines the programs and services to be offered to seniors throughout the seven-county area.… Read more.

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EDA News

The District appreciates the participation it received from its members and community leaders in the annual Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) survey.  The responses have been complied and used for the 2015 update of the 2013 – 2018 CEDS.  You may view the updated CEDS in the Publications section of the CMPDD website.… Read more.

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District Completes Update of Pavement Management System

The Pavement Management System is an inventory of the functionally classified, non-state maintained, principal arterial, minor arterial, and collector roadways in the Jackson Urbanized Area. Each year, on a 3 year cyclical basis, District staff complete a reassessment of the pavement conditions for Hinds, Madison, and Rankin Counties by completing roadway condition surveys for each roadway in each of the respective counties.… Read more.

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New Federal Workforce Law Enacted

Earlier this summer, a new federal workforce law was enacted. The new law, entitled the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), replaces the Workforce Investment Act and reauthorizes federal workforce and training programs. The law received bi-partisan support in both the House and Senate and passed both with large majorities.… Read more.

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Mississippi Small Business Assistance Loan Program Approves New Loan

Mr. James E. Stirgus, Jr.  Chairman of the District’s Mississippi Small Business Assistance Loan (MSBALP) Review Board, announced the approval of a loan to Fast Fill #4, LLC for $250,000 of a $750,000 project under the Mississippi Small Business Assistance Loan Fund (MSBALP).… Read more.

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District Contracted for Tax Study of County Line Road

CMPDD is currently under contract to complete a tax study for both the Jackson and Ridgeland sides of County Line Road.  This study will examine property proposed as part of a Business Improvement District (BID) for County Line Road.  Business owners along County Line Road are interested in creating a BID, much like the one established in Downtown Jackson.… Read more.

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Development of 2040 Long Range Transportation Plan Underway

Preparation is now underway to develop an update to the 2035 Jackson Urbanized Area Transportation Plan adopted by the Jackson Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) in March 2011.  As the MPO, the District is responsible, along with the Mississippi Department of Transportation (MDOT), for conducting a federally-mandated Transportation Planning Process for the Jackson Metropolitan Area.… Read more.

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CMPDD to Develop Simpson County Health Care Zone Master Plan

The District was selected by the Simpson County Development Foundation to prepare a Health Care Zone Master Plan for Simpson County. The County’s Health Care Zone will encompass two five-mile radials around Magee General Hospital and Simpson General Hospital in Mendenhall.… Read more.

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Mark Your Calendar!

CMPDD’s Area Agency on Aging will host a Community Health Fair and Scam Jam on May 28 from 9:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. at the MS Agriculture Museum’s  Forestry  Auditorium,  1150 Lakeland Drive in Jackson.  Be confi- dent about your health and protect you identity.  … Read more.

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