In June the Central MS Planning and Development District (CMPDD) released a request for proposals seeking assistance from engineers or other qualified firms to partner with CMPDD in developing a Regional Comprehensive Transportation Safety Action Plan. CMPDD was a recipient of U.S. Department of Transportation Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) funding to assist member governments in CMPDD’s seven-county region in effectively identifying and addressing transportation safety concerns and readying them for potential implementation.
This grant provides the CMPDD region with the opportunity to take vital steps to improve the region’s transportation system by developing a Vision Zero Action Plan for our communities that will serve as a roadmap in leading the region to an ultimate vision of zero fatalities and serious injuries on our transportation system.
The Regional Comprehensive Safety Action Plan will be developed through a collaborative effort and will include a community outreach campaign that involves the public and community stakeholders throughout the process to collect diverse input and ensure equitable representation across CMPDD’s seven-county region.
For more information, please contact Lesley Callender at 601-321-2152.