Category Archives: Uncategorized
CMPDD Contracts with Broadband Expansion and Accessibility of Mississippi (BEAM)

CMPDD has contracted with Broadband Expansion and Accessibility of Mississippi (BEAM) to work toward the best possible level of internet service for all seven counties in our district. CMPDD’s role will be to assist local governments and counties in identifying and testing internet speeds in areas that have service but may be lacking the latest technology resulting in slow or inadequate service.… Read more.
Bikeways Viewer… Read more.
Madison County Win Job Center Moves to a New Location
The Madison County WIN Job Center, formerly located on Watford Parkway Drive in Canton has re-located to a new facility at 167 Orchard Lane, North Gluckstadt. The new location offers workforce-related services and connection to training for both job seekers and employers.… Read more.
ConnectJXN Continues to Develop
The development of ConnectJXN, which will be the City of Jackson’s next Comprehensive Plan, continues to move forward. A Town Hall Meeting was held in late June at New Horizon Church to present a draft Commitment Statement, Vision, and Framework to the public. … Read more.
Jackson MPO Receives COVID Supplemental Grant Funds
The Coronavirus Supplemental Appropriations Act allocated funding to address the virus impacts related to the Highway Infrastructure Programs. Funds from this Act were provided to the State with a portion of the funds suballocated to urbanized areas with a population over 200,000.… Read more.
The Senior Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program
The Senior Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program or (SFMNP) is a cooperative effort between the Mississippi Department of Agriculture and Commerce and the Central Mississippi Area Agency on Aging. The program is designed to improve the health of seniors by providing access to fresh fruits and vegetables. … Read more.
District Staff Completes Safety Analysis Report
District staff recently completed development of the 2015-2019 Safety Analysis Report for the Jackson Metropolitan Planning Organization’s (MPO’s) planning area. Crash data analyzed by District staff was obtained from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and from data provided to the Mississippi Department of Transportation (MDOT) by the Mississippi Department of Public Safety (MDPS) covering a five-year planning period.… Read more.
ConnectJXN: The City of Jackson’s Next Comprehensive Plan

The CMPDD Planners continue to develop a new Comprehensive Plan for the City of Jackson. The Plan has been branded ConnectJXN and will replace FABRIC, which was adopted in the early 2000s. ConnectJXN will visit the City’s past, present, and future as it relates to planning through a study of historic plans, current development patterns and uses, and establish a visual guide for the City’s collective vision.… Read more.
Stay Connected Project

Recently CMPDD received supplemental funding from Mississippi Department of Human Services/Division of Aging and Adult Services due to the Coronavirus pandemic. The purpose of this funding was to allow Mississippi Access to Care (MAC) Centers the opportunity to utilize assistive technology as a supplementary source of communication.… Read more.
Medicare Open Enrollment Virtual Workshop

The District’s State Health Insurance Program hosted its first virtual Medicare Open Enrollment workshop on September 22, 2020. Eating well, exercising regularly, and selecting the right health care coverage are all a part of living a healthy lifestyle. Knowing the basics of how Medicare works can help seniors navigate through the various advantage plans and understand the programs traditional benefits and expenses.… Read more.
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