Get Involved in the Long Range Transportation Planning Process

In August, CMPDD began the methodical process of updating the Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) for the Jackson Metropolitan Area.  The LRTP examines the area expected to become urbanized within a 20-25 year horizon, and identifies anticipated traffic capacity deficiencies and proposed street and highway improvements for the next 20-25 years.  The development of the 2040 Long Range Transportation Plan will set a course of action to meet the future transportation needs in the metro-area including motorized transportation, public transportation, non-motorized transportation, commercial motor vehicles, and other transportation modes.  Your thoughts and input on how the local and statewide transportation system should look in the years to come is essential to ensuring a multi-modal system that is able to meet the transportation demands of tomorrow.


In an attempt to engage a larger audience in the development of the next LRTP for the Jackson Metropolitan area, CMPDD in conjunction with other MPOs across the state and the MS Department of Transportation has launched a new on-line site.  The Site,, is designed to provide a forum for the public to voice ideas on what they expect the transportation system to look like by the year 2040.  In addition, the site, which launched in early January, allows followers to participate in specific topic discussions, as well as follow the planning process.

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