CMPDD completed work to develop the Jackson Metropolitan Planning Organization’s (MPO’s) 2045 Metropolitan Transportation Plan in late 2020. The Plan was released for public comments in September and was adopted by the Metropolitan Planning Policy Committee on November 12, 2020.
The Metropolitan Transportation Plan is a long-range planning document that acts as a comprehensive blueprint to guide future transportation investments in the Jackson Urbanized region for the next 25 years. The plan identifies transportation needs, policies, strategies, and projects that aim to improve the quality of life for all residents in the region as part of CMPDD’s continuing, comprehensive, and cooperative transportation planning efforts. The plan was developed over two years as part of a coordinated process between the Jackson Metropolitan Planning Organization, local communities, various local, state, and federal agencies, and the public.
The 2045 Metropolitan Transportation Plan is available for review on CMPDD’s website, . The plan is comprised of two main components the Executive Summary and seven Technical Reports. For more information about the 2045 Metropolitan Transportation Plan please contact Lesley Callender at
Congestion – I-55 and I-20 have the worst congestion in the region.
Safety – From 2014 to 2018 there were 343 deaths and 304 severe injuries resulting from vehicular crashes in the MPO region.
Highest Truck Traffic – The highest truck volumes are on I-55, I-20, US 49, and MS 25.
Freight Truck Congestion – Freight truck congestion occurs on I-55 and I-20, largely focused at interchanges.