Author Archives: cmpdd-user

Adult Protective Services Responds During the Covid-19 Pandemic

With seniors and adults with disabilities being isolated at home during the coronavirus pandemic, many are falling victim to abuse, neglect and/or financial exploitation by family members or others with access to them (or their funds). During this time, mandated reporters of abuse such as in-home workers, medical providers, and bank personnel are not available to observe and report suspected maltreatment to Adult Protective Services (APS).… Read more.

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Workforce Response to COVID-19 Disaster

As we are all aware, COVID-19 has taken center stage for the past several months and will likely continue to do so for the foreseeable future. In addition, it will certainly impact the way we work, learn, and live going forward.… Read more.

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Serving our Seniors during the Coronavirus Pandemic

Due to state mandates and in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Central Mississippi Planning and Development District’s Area Agency on Aging had to figure out how to transition services normally provided in congregate meal sites to the senior’s homes. Decisions had to be made on how to transport clients to the grocery stores and medical appointments while adhering to the social distancing mandate.… Read more.

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COVID19 Challenges for Southcentral MS Works Workforce Development Area

COVID-19 has presented many problems and challenges for area employers and businesses, and certainly for our citizens.  Food service businesses have laid off workers and are only able to provide take-out service.  Many other businesses have closed or drastically curtailed what they are able to do, not only to help their employees, but in terms of serving individuals in our communities who are suffering as well. … Read more.

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CMPDD’s Medicaid Waiver Program Update

The CMPDD Medicaid Waiver team has been working diligently on the Elderly and Disabled (E & D) Waiver Program.  The E & D Waiver is a statewide program designed to offer assistance to qualified Medicaid beneficiaries who are 21 years of age or older.  … Read more.

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CMPDD’s Role in Workforce

In accordance with the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), the State of Mississippi is divided into local workforce development areas for the purpose of carrying out the programs funded under the Act. The Act promotes local planning and service delivery as the best mechanism for identifying and meeting workforce skill gaps and needs.… Read more.

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CMPDD’s Medicaid Waiver Program Update

CMPDD’s Elderly and Disabled (E&D) Home and Community Based Medicaid Waiver program provides Case Management (CM) and Home Delivered Meal (HDM) services to Medicaid eligible elderly and/or disabled recipients who desire to remain in their home setting. The Registered Nurse and Licensed Social Worker work together as a team to coordinate all approved Waiver services and conduct monthly home visits to assure the approved services are meeting the clients’ needs.… Read more.

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Planning is Underway for the 2045 Long-Range Transportation Plan

Every five (5) years CMPDD, as the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), is responsible for developing a comprehensive long-range Metropolitan Transportation Plan that identifies the needs of the transportation system in the metro-area (Hinds, Madison, and Rankin Counties) for the next 25 years.… Read more.

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Area Agency on Aging Request for Proposals

The Area Agency on Aging of CMPDD is now accepting proposals for fiscal year 2020 for the following services: 

Adult Day Care, Congregate meals, Home-Delivered meals, Homemaker, Information & Referral, Legal Assistance, Ombudsman, Outreach, Respite, and Transportation.

Click the following link for the RFPs.… Read more.

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Seniors Grooving to a Healthy Lifestyle 2019

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