Planning is Underway for the 2045 Long-Range Transportation Plan

Every five (5) years CMPDD, as the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), is responsible for developing a comprehensive long-range Metropolitan Transportation Plan that identifies the needs of the transportation system in the metro-area (Hinds, Madison, and Rankin Counties) for the next 25 years. In late 2018, CMPDD began working in conjunction with the Mississippi Department of Transportation (MDOT) and the other MPOs in the State to craft a comprehensive statewide plan that is seamless in nature. The 2045 Jackson Area Metropolitan Transportation Plan once complete in late 2020 will identify long-range transportation goals for the metro-area, and will set the stage for strategic transportation investments over the next 25 years. Over the last few months, CMPDD staff members have been working to update the base model that will be used to project future traffic demand as well as gathering information needed to develop future growth patterns. Using Land Use Plans from existing Comprehensive Plans and information from local developers and other officials regarding future development plans, CMPDD staff members have been working over the last few months to convert land use acreage for each Traffic Analysis Zone (TAZ) in the model into 2045 forecasts of population and employment based upon the anticipated build out of each TAZ using identified multipliers for each land use category. To stay engaged in the planning process be sure to follow CMPDD’s Facebook page and visit

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